An update on regulation of ACP

With the news that the NMC have now decided to bring in some type of regulation for Nurses wanting to work at an Advanced level of practice, I thought it might be worth reflecting on this and providing an update from my previous posts on this topic.

Advanced Practitioners as senior decision makers

In this blog post I explore the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, generalist v specialist, and ‘senior decision making’.

Advanced Practice & The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan

As I have been delving into the data analysis from the follow-up questionnaire stage of my PhD, the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (NHS England, 2023), alongside the Independent report on the regulation of Advanced in Nursing and Midwifery (The Nuffield Trust, 2023) have been published. People are starting to pick their way through these hefty and aspirational documents to see what may come next in terms of implementation. So what does this mean for Advanced Practice? In this next series of blogs I give my view on a few headlines from these documents and link this into the findings from my research so far.

Domination of Clinical Practice in ACP

Within my systematic literature review on the benefits of Advanced Clinical Practice, I noted there was consensus on the definition of ACP, and this broadly reflected the ‘four pillars’ of clinical practice, leadership & management, education, and research. However, I also found that whilst there is a consensus that ACP reflects the 4 pillars, itContinue reading “Domination of Clinical Practice in ACP”

Substitution/ Supplementation in ACP

A major feature I found in my systematic literature review regarding the benefits of Advanced Clinical Practice related to whether the definition, nomenclature, and scope of the ACP role is a substitution or a supplementation.

Advanced Clinical Practice; Patient Outcomes & Clinical Effectiveness

It is fitting that at the end of this year’s advanced practice week, that I am focussing on the topic of clinical effectiveness and patient outcomes; arguably the most important aspect of ACP. In my systematic literature review I had in fact specifically excluded this from the search criteria as the purpose of this researchContinue reading “Advanced Clinical Practice; Patient Outcomes & Clinical Effectiveness”

ACP Education pathways, regulation & education methodologies

In this blog I will explore the key themes I identified in my systematic literature review on the benefits of the Advanced Clinical Practice for key stakeholders in relation to education and regulation. 15 of the 26 papers that had a theme of education within them, noted that there are a variety of education pathwaysContinue reading “ACP Education pathways, regulation & education methodologies”

Barriers/ Facilitators of Advanced Clinical Practice

Despite knowing about the barriers to effective implementation of ACP, they are still prevalent, and the facilitators are often not considered when planning development of an ACP role.

Definitions of ACP, nomenclature & scope

Defining what we mean by ACP seems a good place to start when looking at existing evidence regarding ACP. In my systematic literature 30 out of the 44 papers included findings related to the definition of ACP, nomenclature used when referring to ACP roles and titles, and the scope of the ACP role or practice. Continue reading “Definitions of ACP, nomenclature & scope”

Features of existing ACP research.

This blog post gives an overview of the key features I found from a mixed method systematic literature review on the benefits of Advanced Clinical Practice.